The peace and progress of a family depend upon its members. If the
members are good, the family gets prestige. A family is the first school in which a child receives the basic values of life. We learn good manners in the family. The morals and values learnt in
family become our guiding force. They make our character. They
lay the foundation of our thinking. I feel fortunate to be born in a family where values are inculcated in early childhood.
I could begin the book of my life with a picture of my parents. They are important because they helped in my life development. Also, they gave me the things that I needed to grow up in the moment that I needed and they still gave me everything that I
needed to become somebody in the future. Among these things is the education that I have received all in my life, my basic needs like food, clothes, medicine, and a place to live, and the most important thing, the affection of love. They care for me when I am sick and they give me the necessary things to get better. They teach me good values like how to behave, to respect other people, and to share with other people. Sometimes they push me in certain directions and have high expectations for me, but now I really appreciate everything they have taught me. I understand why they do certain things and it is because my parents want the best for me. On certain occasions I get mad, but later appreciate their words of wisdom and understand. My parents are wonderful.
Now, about the rest of my family, my two brothers all I can say is that they are wonderful, too. With them I have learned to share, to have fun, and to understand different points of view in different situations. They are younger than me, but that doesn't matter because sometimes people think that because they are older they know everything and that is not true, we can learn from those younger than us too. Also I have shared moments, in which we laughed, or we get sad, but there are always moments that I will remember. I really love them although we always quarrel with each other.
Our family is like a heaven, we have pure love and affection for one another. There is peace, prosperity, love and care. The fountain of affection is ever flown in our family. Thanks to my family today I can say all of these things to other people. We like one another and help one another. My family is no doubt a happy family.

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